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Ciabatta Bread

For the Pre-Dough/Poolish

  • 140g All Purpose Flour
  • 140g lukewarm Water
  • 1 tsp Instant Yeast
For the Main-Dough

  • All of the Pre-Dough/Poolish
  • 320g All Purpose Flour
  • 200g lukewarm Water
  • 10g Salt
  • 1 tsp Instant Yeast

Today we are gonna make a crispy and chewy ciabatta bread. The secrets to a good ciabatta bread are high water content and time. Perfect for mediterranean Burger or Bruschetta.

At first you need to make the poolish. Mix together the water, flour and yeast. Cover it and let it work for 12-16 hours on a warm spot. The poolish should now be very bubbly and smell nutty-yeasty.

After waiting add all other ingredients and give it a good mix.
Let it sit for 2 hours.

Now the bread is actually ready for baking, but to enhance the texture you can stretch and fold it every 20 minutes 3 times.

On a lightly floured surface divide the dough into buns or shape a big loaf.

Bake at 250°C/480°F on a preheated stone or baking tray for 20-25 minutes.

For a more crispier bread put a cup or tray of water in the bottom of the oven.

Cool on a wire rack to crisp up more.


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